
Driving Digital Transformation with Mounting Cost Pressures and Worker Shortages…How Can Councils Do It?

Local authorities in the UK have seen a 37% reduction in core grants since 2010 — and a near 38% reduction in staff since 1999. As a growing population places higher expectations on local government, councils have less people (and money) to service demands. The question has turned into one of survival, as a £2.4 billion increase in inflationary costs threatens to push many English councils into bankruptcy.

The NHS Waitlist Problem: 6.4 Million Waiting – Are Patient Portals the Solution?

The need for digitisation in the healthcare system is clear. It can save costs, improve operational efficiencies and cut patient backlogs. NHS England has recognised this need, prioritising national investments — to the 45 least-digitised NHS provider trusts — to help increase the rate of digital transformation across the entire healthcare system.

How to Map a To-Be Process

Explore how to create your first to-be process. We’ll also make sure that you include all the information you need to ensure that your process map is a success. To understand how to map a To-Be process, we first need to make sure that we’re clear about what we mean by a to-be process.

It’s Time for Artificial Intelligence to Take its Place, Front and Centre

We often discuss the advantages of intelligent automation and artificial intelligence and the possibilities that open up when processes are digitised and automated through the use of new software applications and automation technologies. In those existing tools, artificial intelligence (AI) is already playing an important role. Whether it’s providing computer vision to help a bot ‘read’ a screen or natural language processing to understand the contents of an email, AI provides valuable utility and the uses for it are growing all the time.